Friday, February 29, 2008

i'm feelin' hot

Day 6 with a fever. High in the morning...I feel so weak and thirsty I want to cry
thinking I have to get up for work. By mid-morning the drugs have kicked in and
I begin to feel drowsy. At lunch I pick up a bit, but then by 3 I am sleepy again.
These days I have been home between 4 and 5pm but then I have to study.
It is necessary for me to recuperate my energy this weekend or I really risk
catching some other horrible virus.
It's bad, this particular fever strain. My colleague has been sick now for 2 weeks, so that's
I am behind in everything, I know, but the next couple of weeks are crucial, so
I will make up for lost time afterwards.


Melinda said...

Are you saying that you've been going to work with a fever for 6 days? Step off the crazy train and get back in bed!

Hope you feel better soon.

Chicago said...

When you said you were feeling hot I started to get excited ;)...then I realized you meant with a fever...get well soon.
