Saturday, February 16, 2008

wait a second

I couldn't believe my eyes Friday night. I passed the exam. I'm in the 900 that go on to the "real" written test. Though I am beginning to feel that somehow this is bordering on a nightmare without end, it will eventually.
If I don't pass the next one, it's over. If I should be so lucky, I go on to the oral where I pray I don't find a racist or sexist exam board, hoping the questions I pull out of the basket are the ones I actually know.
Destiny will show itself again, no doubt.
I was convinced to 98% that I wouldn't have passed. I guess Melinda was right, I should never underestimate the power of a box of hair.
On another note, today it is freezing in Milan. I opened the balcony doors to let some air in and my fingers turned blue.
Not much else to report, I'm afraid.
I've had a very stressful weekend thus far. One of those where time seems to be dashing past you and before you know it, the weekend is over. There is a strange energy in the air, (even today despite it being a Sunday). I would like two days in a row without obligations or chores/errands to get done.

Ah..yes. One thing has got me concerned of late. People have begun discussing the "194" law here in Italy, or for those who have the fortune of not living here, the abortion law. Why are there still farty, old men who insist on telling women what to do with their bodies, and in 2008 no less?! What are they so afraid of??
Just because something exists, it doesn't mean people are forced to do it. The hash dealer two blocks up is always there but I don't go knocking on his door, do I? The vodka bottle calls me all day long, but that doesn't mean I drink from sunup to sundown...(though come to think of it some days it wouldn't be so bad). But I digress.
What these close-minded, ignorant people don't understand is that taking away legal abortion doesn't stop abortion, it makes people get on a train to Switzerland. Or worse, only leads to the rise of back-alley "clinics." (And I shudder as I type).
I don't know if I would abort or not, because a decision so colossal depends on too many factors. But what I do know is, I would like the choice.
Just think, Italy has had legal abortion for years, and Portugal only got it a year ago. I was there for the referendum (it was the weekend of my birthday). I had another thing to celebrate in Lisbon that year.

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