Monday, February 18, 2008

oh no...

Sweet Jesus, it's happened. I have lost it.
I am now resorting to Rocky and Karate Kid to psych myself up for the
coming exam.
Now, I know you are wondering...what does boxing and karate have to
do with taking a stupid test?
They were underdogs, and I am an underdog. They competed individually against
singular opponents. I have about 500 to knock off all at once.
And most importantly They believed (well...I am almost
convinced both believed. I know Rocky did, but Ralph Macchio came off a bit
like a pussy in that last scene. If it hadn't been for that stupid crane...but anyway
I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he believed, too).
So...alright...they believed and I do too.
But sometimes in life you need the necessary soundtrack. And these do just fine.
Thanks Joe Esposito. :)
Not surprisingly these tunes have also helped me in my running, though my goal at this juncture
is not to improve that performance. But hey, if it comes as a side dish, I'm not sending it
Sound body, sound mind, right?

ps If you happen to see "Karate Kid" again, notice the erratic, spastic movements of the Cobra Kai in the final battles. They all look jacked up on coke.

Ok it is:

1 comment:

Chicago said...

One of my favorites. My brother and I would watch it and then set up a piece of cardboard on the grass in the back yard and kick each others asses until Mom made us stop.