Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Welcome to my world

Well, it's Tuesday. The weekend passed by as quickly as usual, though I found it extremely relaxing.
Except for the part on Sunday night when I got an ear infection. An ear infection! I mean, what am I? 2 years old?
Doctor thinks it's all the running outdoors...wind blowing and colder temperatures have taken a toll on my
fragile ears. I think there are too many people in the world, and as a result too many germs everywhere.
I have mentioned my fear of germs, have I not?
So now I am on antibiotics which I despise because a) I allow pharmaceutical companies to make money off of me
b) I can't drink c) They make me feel icky and spacey
When you are trying to explain the intricate differences between the present perfect simple and the continuous
to a group of sleepy, inattentive bankers you need to be somewhat lucid.
I am literally counting the days until the coming weekend. After 2 doses my ear still throbs and I am looking forward
to a two-hour lesson this evening with a person I don't know. A stranger with an unknown, untested level of English
knowledge. Will he be good, thus 2 hours fly by? Or will he stare back at me befuddled and every minute will seem like eternity?
I will let you know tomorrow. Now I have to fix myself that Xanax cocktail.

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