Sunday, June 29, 2008

just lazying about

As usual it has been a tumultuous few weeks. I haven't written mainly because I have been in a
silent state of meditation. I didn't want to spend words that I would regret, nor did I
want to dwell too long on all the problems that I have been having.
The school year, as much it is so for us adult ESL teachers, has come quietly to an end.
July starts the month of little work and (salary) but lots of play. Most of my days in July and
August are passed at the park, reading lots of books, running, and basking in the sun.
After the year I have had, I deserve this break. My mind needs it, and so does my body.
I finally feel like I am "getting my life back."
The huge, ugly elephant which has taken up residence in my crystal shop is still there, staring at me.
But for the moment it has stopped shuffling about and if all goes well, if I gather enough luck and patience, I may
be able to airlift the fucker safely out by the end of the year.
A lot of that will depend, as usual, on others and not on me. This is hard for me to manage
since I need control over the issues in my life. Still, one thing this whole experience has taught me
is to be tireless and enduring in my beliefs and motivations. I marvel at far how I have come
and how many disappointments I have weathered...and yet here I am still fighting. And I will continue
to combat until the last person standing is me.
Unfortunately a dear friend of mine is moving to Mantova at the end of July, so the few friendships I do
have here in Milan will suffer yet another casualty. It's not like I'll never see him again, but him being 2 hours
away makes it a bit difficult to have our weekly coffee.
I have been daydreaming lots, as I am apt to do in the summer when I find myself under a tree at the park, relishing
scenes worthy of Country Time Lemonade ads...although knowing me instead of the lemony beverage you'd catch me
sipping Tom Collins. :)

1 comment:

Steve said...

You're right -- it's the ones we love that hurt us the most. John is optimistic that once their baby is born, her family will come around. I think he's right. Here's hoping.

My parents were amazingly accepting of the whole thing. Mark and I were both surprised. You're right, it might be a different story if it were Mark or I involved.

Enjoy your break!