Wednesday, November 21, 2007

turkey and fools

There is no Thanksgiving here. Italians are not taught to be thankful. They are brought up to to whine and complain.
Some of that must have rubbed off on me in the years I have been living here, since when "times get tough" I notice
myself bitching a lot as well.
The past two weeks have been some of the most difficult in my life. Physically and mentally exhausting, circumstance
drove me on with an objective in mind and I followed, head down and blinders on, militant in my desire to succeed.
Now, due to a bureaucratic glitch and obtuse thinking, all I have been so diligently working for may go up in flames.
I haven't drowned yet, but I am at the bottom of the pool and water is slowly filling my lungs. The next days will see me
anxious and hopeful, but I can just as surely drown as I may also be saved.

It never ceases to amaze me how often our lives, our very futures are placed into the hands of fools wearing the cloaks of
public and diplomatic administrators, hell-bent on "following guidelines" even when said rules are nonsensical and
absolutely illogical.
I took Thanksgiving away with me when I moved here. It's my favorite holiday, and that is saying a lot as I am also not one to celebrate much of
anything .
I miss my family and friends dearly, and would love to entertain the idea of flying home tomorrow. This being impossible
I wish everyone a Happy Turkey day full of laughter and cheer. Tomorrow I will come home from work at 8pm, make some potatoes
and a roasted chicken, and be thankful for the little things. They are the only elements in my life right now that seem in any
way to make sense.
My love to all my dearest ones...

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